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Connectant continents: Un projecte de regeneració de teixits obté finançament de la Unió Europea

By 1 d'octubre de 2010novembre 18th, 2020No Comments
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Connectant continents: Un projecte de regeneració de teixits obté finançament de la Unió Europea

multidisciplinary research project coordinated at IBEC by group leader George Altankov has been selected for funding by the EU as part of the European-Latin American Network for Science and Technology (EULANEST). ‘Bioinspired Nanofibrous Gel for Tissue Engineering of Cartilage and Bone' (FIBROGEL) aims to design an implant with unique properties which can influence local tissue regeneration. Using high performance materials and advanced nanotechnology, the project represents a radical step in treating injury or diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, and will have a long-term impact on a variety of fields such as nanobioengineering and regenerative medicine.

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