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Apte and Uninvest give support to the development of TBEs at science and technology parks

The Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) and the risk capital association Uninvest have signed a collaboration agreement with the aim to support the creation and acceleration of knowledge-based enterprises with high growth potential.  The cooperation between both organizations will focus primarily on technology based enterprises (TBEs) located at Apte member parks.



The Association will contribute to the agreement signed on March 25, carrying out a range of technology-based companies among organizations located at the parks so that Uninvest evaluates their potential in investment processes. In addition, APTE will also provide information about business projects in the conceptualization phase or those that have not yet been developed.

On its part, Uninvest agrees to evaluate TBEs proposals that are submitted by APTE. Projects that are positively evaluated will be able to participate in investment processes managed by the venture capital company or in funding rounds. In addition, Uninvest will provide expert advice and will cooperate with the selected companies to help them achieve their business objectives and will evaluate projects that are in the incubation process.