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Barcelona Science Park to quadruple in size by 2011

By 17 de January de 2008November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Barcelona Science Park to quadruple in size by 2011

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has just made public its development plans for the period up to 2011. During this time it will almost quadruple in size, growing from its present 25,000 m2 to a total of 90,000 m2. The development, which was already foreseen when the Park was first created, will see an increase in the number of biotech and pharmaceutical firms, research centres and institutes, technology platforms, and scientific and innovation support services that are housed within the PCB. This will be accompanied by a considerable rise in the R+D+i professionals working at the Park, whose numbers are expected to reach 4,000 by 2011.

This growth will entail the creation and adaptation of new premises, as well as the redevelopment of existing facilities. The Modular Building (which until now has housed most of the PCB’s research laboratories and technology services) will be extended, what is currently the administrative building will be redeveloped (it will be extended by a further two floors and will house the offices of companies that are already established), a new laboratory building known as the Helix Building will be constructed (work on this building was completed in 2007 and it will be officially opened on 30th January), and the tower blocks on the site bordered by the streets Josep Samitier, Baldiri i Reixac and Dr. Marañón will be redesigned.

At present, and taking into account the types of organisations or bodies that are housed within the PCB, the laboratory space is distributed as follows: 45% corresponds to public research centres, 23% to companies, 27% to technology units and services, 3% to spin offs located in the Bioincubator, and 2% to mixed units. Under the developments proposed for 2011 these percentages are expected to change, with a significant increase in terms of companies (rising to 28%) and a reduction with respect to public research groups (falling to 35% of the total). The space dedicated to technology will rise to 31%, while a slight increase is also expected in terms of the companies that form part of the Bioincubator (4%). The contribution of mixed units will remain at around 2%.

According to the manager of the Barcelona Science Park, Fernando Albericio, “this is proof that we have consolidated the science park model on which the Barcelona Science Park is based. It is a Park whose objectives are to boost research and its transfer, to help bring science and society closer together through different means, to promote innovation, and to continue being a point of reference for the creation of companies and the development of new projects that help strengthen long-term business links in the biotech sector in Barcelona and Catalonia. In this regard we have played a key role in ensuring that knowledge is one of our country’s leading exports”.