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Biocat and the PCB offer their support to young Catalan researchers by means of the European project Interbio

By 7 de June de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Biocat and the PCB offer their support to young Catalan researchers by means of the European project Interbio

Two PhD students from the Combinatory Chemistry Unit of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) participated in the Young Researchers Symposium at the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology (IECB) of Bordeaux on May 27 and 28, after winning one of the scholarships granted by the European project Interbio to facilitate the entry of young researchers to the symposium's official programme. Catalonia is one of the five members –together with Valencia, Lisbon, Tolosa and Bordeaux- of this project, which is promoted by the European Union in order to place southwest Europe on the forefront of research. Biocat coordinates the Catalan representatives and boasts a scientific committee consisting of Jordi Quintana (Barcelona Science Park), Francesc Gòdia (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Rickard Bucksch (UAB Research Park).

The Interbio project is part of the Interreg programme for cooperation between regions of southwest Europe, and aims to promote transnational technological transfer, foster interdisciplinary research in the different areas of excellence of each region, and to facilitate the preparation and mobility of transnational scientific discussions, the creation of workshops and conferences, and the support to cross-sectional projects and scientific training in participating countries. Funded by the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER), Interbio has a total budget of nearly two million Euros and is projected to last about 32 months. One of the most important events in this project is the Second Summer School on Medicines (SSM2) which will take place between August 31 and September 11 2010 in Tolosa and Barcelona. This conference –organized by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and Cancéropôle-focuses on the whole process spanning from initial ideas and projects up to the first outcomes of research and the drugs that reach the market. In order to obtain a more in-depth view, there will be four sessions addressing basic science, drug development, technological transfer and clinical development.

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