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El Parc Científic de Barcelona hosts the 2nd edition of the Networking & Innovation Day

By 7 de October de 2014November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The first edition of the NID had more than 200 participants from 160 organizations and held about 400 bilateral meetings.

El Parc Científic de Barcelona hosts the 2nd edition of the Networking & Innovation Day

On Thursday 27 November the University of Barcelona (UB), the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB), the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) and the Scientific and Technological Centers of UB (CCTiUB) are holding at the PCB the second edition of the Networking & Innovation Day (NID). The objective of this initiative is to create a benchmark in knowledge transfer between academia, research and business that promotes public-private collaboration, partnership agreements and open innovation. The first edition of the NID had more than 200 participants from 160 organizations and held about 400 bilateral meetings.

NID is a meeting space that brings together agents from the R+D+i system of UB Group, companies located at the PCB and the business sector and research, in general. The event was conceived with the purpose of serving as a catalyst for synergies between the industry and academia and research projects in order to promote collaboration projects that meet the scientific and technological needs of a wide range of sectors.

This edition will feature two round tables: “The internationalization of research and innovation system”, moderated by Xavier Testar, UB professor and vice director of the Barcelona Institute of Entrepreneurship (BIE-UB) and ‘New paradigms in public-private partnerships in research and innovation projects’, moderated by journalist specializing in science and environment, Joaquim Elcacho, who is also coordinator of the section ‘From science to market’ in the newspaper La Vanguardia´s insert ‘Diners’. Meetings will be held simultaneously on a one-to-one basis, prior arrangement via an on line form available at the event website.

The workshop will be opened by Dídac Ramirez, rector of the UB; Antoni Castellà, secretary of Universities and Research of the Department of Economy and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya; Salvador Alemany, president of the UB Board of Trustees; Inés Garriga, director of Creativity and Innovation of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, and Montserrat Vendrell, executive director of PCB. Xavier Ferràs, dean of the Faculty of Business and Communications at the Universitat de Vic, will give a plenary lecture entitled ‘Innovative ecosystems, the creation of a competitive country’.

The registration deadline is November 23. Reduced price until 26 October for early registration.

Further information is available on NID website