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El Senate of the University of Barcelona approves the rector’s annual Report

By 12 de March de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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El Senate of the University of Barcelona approves the rector’s annual Report

The Senate of the University of Barcelona, which held an ordinary session meeting on Wednesday March 10, approved the rector's 2009 annual report. In the presentation of this Report, the rector, Dídac Ramírez, assessed the teaching and research activities that have been carried out at the UB, as well as general aspects of budget, pluriennial programming and the economic annual report. In terms of general reflections on the year, Ramirez highlighted that 2009 was a year characterized by the recognition of achievements in the field of science, such as improvement in international rankings, officially becoming acampus of international excellence as a result of the Barcelona Knowledge Campus proposal, or the imminent establishment of the National Center for Genomic Analysis (CNAG), the Spanish headquarters of the Genomic Sequencing Laboratory, at the Barcelona Science Park.