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31% of exhibitors at Biospain 2010, affiliated with Science and Technology Parks in Spain

By 7 de October de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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31% of exhibitors at Biospain 2010, affiliated with Science and Technology Parks in Spain

The Barcelona Science Park has participated in the fifth edition of the Biospain, which took place last September 29 to October 1 in Pamplona, and which drew over 600 companies and entities. 31% of exhibitors were companies and institutions based at or affiliated with Science and Technology Parks that are members of the Spanish Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE), such as the PCB.

A special highlight this year has been the fact that 150 international companies and organizations attended the event, reflecting the internationalization of this fair, which has been jointly organized by the Spanish Association of Biotech Companies (ASEBIO) and the Government of Navarra through the Society of Development of Navarra (SODENA).

The high participation of companies and science parks, as well as international firms and organizations, demonstrates that the Spanish biotech sector is in good health, and –according to a report presented by the Spanish Association of Biocompanies (ASEBIO)- accounts for 1.2% of the national GDP.

Some of the activities that were developed include the BIOTEC 2010 scientific congress; the business partnering sessions, where over 1,500 meetings were organized; the investment Forum, with a selection of over 30 projects; the speaker corner, a space for the presentation of companies and products; and the meeting of the Bioregions Network of Spain, an organization that facilitates the coordination of different Spanish bioregions.

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