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150 volunteers are going to attend to visitors of the first Open Day at IRB Barcelona. In the photo, a group of volunteers who will participate in the event.

600 visitors converge for IRB Barcelona’s Open Day

Next Saturday 18 April  the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), located in the Pac Cientític de Barcelona (PCB), on the university campus of Pedralbes, will be opening its doors to receive 600 visitors. The first IRB Barcelona Open Day, theld to mark IRB Barcelona’s 10th anniversary,. will involve about 150 volunteers who are set to welcome the visitors. 

The Open Day has been organised in four separate sessions, each with a max of 150 participants. The sessions will include an informative talk and guided visits around labs and a fair including stands for science dissemination, live research, and information about academic careers at IRB Barcelona, as well as some mystery activities. The fair will be livened up with a performance by the IRB Barcelona choir— an example of the social activities organised within the institute.

A deu dies de la jornada –que compta amb el suport de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona– ja no quedava cap vacant de les 600 places obertes i cadascuna de les quatre rutes programades té llista d’espera. Joan J. Guinovart, director de l’IRB Barcelona, expressa el seu agraïment per la bona resposta de la iniciativa: “Si volem que ens estimin ens hem de donar a conèixer, fer-nos entendre i demostrar a la gent que el que fem és bo per ells i per a tothom. Cal mostrar el retorn que la recerca pot arribar a donar, sobretot la biomèdica, on investigació i millora de qualitat de vida van de la mà. A tot això, la ciència és apassionant i divertida”.

IRB Barcelona 10th anniversary

This year IRB Barcelona celebrates its 10th anniversary. To mark the occasion, a series of activities has been organised aimed to bring science and the general public closer. The celebrations will end in October with an institutional event aimed at the academic community.

Last October, public awareness of the centre among the general public was greatly increased through a fundraising campaign through a dance video featuring IRB researchers. This initiative was widely echoed in the media and to date has received almost one million visits on YouTube.

Thanks to this increase in visibility, the centre received donations from anonymous members of the public who wished to support the investigation performed there. In acknowledgement, IRB Barcelona has organised its first Open Day, to which it has extended the first invitations to all those who have donated to the fundraising campaign so that they can get to know the centre first-hand.

The Open Day at IRB Barcelona is supported by the City Council.