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Ecolabels for office supplies

In laboratories, specific technical needs may make it difficult to purchase products based on environmentally and socially responsible criteria. However, many general products and services can be assessed from a sustainability perspective. This criterion can be applied to both direct purchases and public tendering processes.

For paper and cardboard office supplies (such as envelopes, dividers or folders), we can opt for certified products with specific ecolabels for paper, wood and derivatives. In the case of other auxiliary materials, such as staplers or scissors, the recommendation is to choose mono-material products (all metal, no plastic components) and with a robust design to ensure durability. It is also preferable to opt for refillable models for things like pens and markers rather than disposable materials.

Some notable ecolabels for office supplies include:

Made from 100% recycled paper; totally chlorine-free (TCF) bleaching with no optical brighteners; complies with DIN19309 (suitable for photocopying).  Label providing information on the emission-controlled production process and origin of raw materials. If not recycled paper, sustainable forestry certification is required. Over 75% of manufacturing fibres are recycled, and emissions controlled during the manufacturing process. Does not guarantee a chlorine-free bleaching process.  The paper comes from responsible forestry.

Check out the Green Office Guide with ideas for responsible management of office supplies.