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Find out about Barcelona’s air quality

Environmental factors have a direct impact on people’s health. Air pollution is, both globally and locally, the most important environmental toxin. In fact, according to experts, it is among the top risk factors for health, with an impact close to that produced by tobacco.

In Barcelona, ​​the Public Health Agency (ASPB) monitors air quality through an air pollution surveillance and prevention network. The data is compiled by 10 monitoring stations installed in different parts of the city. One of the measurement stations is located on the Universitari Sud campus, specifically in the gardens of the Faculty of Biology.

The ASPB has a web tool to follow the evolution of air quality in Barcelona. This is an online report which displays the historical and monthly evolution of the main pollutants that most affect health: NO2 and PM10 and PM2.5 particles. This publication informs citizens and stakeholders about the evolution of air quality in a simple and updated way.

Having data is important for managing problems and finding solutions. Achieving a cleaner atmosphere involves knowing the emission levels of the most dangerous pollutants and establishing plans to be able to act on mobility and land, sea and air transport and to establish limits for industry and energy.