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Director of the OBD, Maria Casado, receives the Narcís Monturiol Medal

By 23 de November de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Director of the OBD, Maria Casado, receives the Narcís Monturiol Medal

The director of the Observatory on Bioethics and Law () and professor of Philosophy of Law, Ethics and Politics at the UB, María Casado, has been awarded the Narcís Monturiol Medal for scientific and technological merit. This award was presented yesterday in an act held in the Palau de Pedralbes. Casado has been recognized for her contribution to research on bioethics from a pluridisciplinary and secular perspective.

The Narcís Monturiol prizes were presented by the minister for Education and Universities, Joan Manuel del Pozo, in an act attended by the secretary for Universities and Research, Joaquim Prats, and the director general for Research, Xavier Testar. The This year the Government of Catalonia has awarded the Narcís Monturiol prizes and plates to two institutions and 13 people for their contribution to the scientific and technical progress of Catalonia.

María Casado holds a PhD in Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and in addition to her teaching activities at the Faculty of Law of the UB, she directs the Masters course in Bioethics and Law at the same university. Author of several publications on bioethics, human rights and the philosophy of law, Casado is president of the Association of Bioethics and Law of the UB and a member of several scientific and professional associations. She is also a member of the following: the Bioethics Advisory Committee of Catalonia; the Bioethics Committee of the UB; the Expert Committee of the National DNA Bank; the ethics management of the European Nanotechnologies Network; the Ethics Committee of the Centre for Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona; and the European Global Bioethics Association. Maria Casado also coordinates the Bioethics and Human Rights Network and the Network for the Teaching of Bioethics in the European Union.