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Healthagents web receives an award from the European Commission

By 1 de December de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Healthagents web receives an award from the European Commission

The European project , coordinated by the company MicroArt, with its head offices at the Parc Científic de Barcelona(PCB, Barcelona Science Park), has been awarded the "Best IST Project Website 2006" Prize. Given by the European Commission, this award seeks to promote improvements in websites of projects performed in the field of Information Society Technologies.

A jury, comprising experts in research activities in Europe, web design and communication, chose the HealthAgents website, together with the sites of Humaine and Electra, as this year’s winners from among more than 254 candidatures presented. These webs have been distinguished for their content, design, structure and ease of navigation, intrinsic European aspects and experience.

The awards were presented by Fabio Colasanti, director general of the Information Society of the European Commission, and Erkki Ormala, vice-president of Technology Policy with Nokia, in an act held in Finland on 23 November, during the conference and exhibition “Information Society Technology Helsinki 2006”.

HealthAgents focuses on the development of an innovative computer system that will allow the collection and classification of information from hospitals around the world, with the objective to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of brain tumours. In addition to MicroArt, this initiative involves the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Valencia, Institute for Applications in Information Technologies and Advanced Technologies -ÍTACA, the company Pharma Quality Europa (Italy), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), and the universities of Birmingham, Edinburgh and Southampton, in the UK.