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IBEC researcher in collaboration with a Harvard led team in PNAS

By 14 de July de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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IBEC researcher in collaboration with a Harvard led team in PNAS

Imagine an opaque bag in front of you and you wish to figure out what's inside, what would you do? You can't open it. So you press and you feel the content, then you might be able to tell whether it is a bag of glass beads or soft balls. The mammalian cell is like such an opaque, fully-packed, and yet miniature bag, the physical nature of its content illusive. In a recent study (PNAS 2009 106:10632-10637) led by Enhua Zhou and Jeffrey Fredberg from Harvard University, in collaboration with Xavier Trepat from the University of Barcelona, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) –based at the Barcelona Science Park– and Ciber Enfermedades Respiratorias, the scientists indeed 'pressed' and 'felt' the cytoplasm.

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