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Imtech collaborates with the Barcelona Science Park to boost the dissemination of science

By 1 de March de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Imtech collaborates with the Barcelona Science Park to boost the dissemination of science

Imtech Spain has signed today a collaboration agreement with the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) to offer its support to the scientific dissemination programme "Research in Society", promoted by the Barcelona Science park. This programme organizes over 120 activities to promote scientific culture and new scientific vocations and has nearly 6,000 participants each year.

By means of this agreement, Imtech aims to contribute to the improvement of scientific culture, to promoting vocations in this field amongst young people and to encourage dialogue between science and society, one of the strategic intervention lines of the Barcelona Science Park. In order to achieve these objectives, the PCB has created innovative communication channels with the purpose of communicating “live science”, meaning the research that is currently underway in centers and companies located at the PCB, as well as in other institutions.

The president of Imtech in Spain, Javier Llanos, and the general director of the Barcelona Science Park Foundation, Fernando Albericio, participated in the signing of the collaboration agreement, which was held at PCB facilities.

In the words of the president of Imtech, “by means of this agreement, our company wishes to give its support to the dissemination of research in Europe, and specifically to boost the relationship between education and research in our country. Imtech therefore reinforces its commitment to R + D, which, together with innovation, embody the strategic pillars of our daily activity to continue advancing in vanguard technology”.

To Fernando Albericio, director of the Barcelona Science Park, Imtech’s support of this project represents an acknowledgement of “the importance of the dissemination of science –which is one of the PCB’s primary strategic lines- to boost research, a key element to promote innovation and dynamise the economy, as well as to create wealth and qualified work positions, resulting in overall improved well-being of society itself”.

The “Research in Society” programme, which is offered to the educational community as well as to the general population, includes activities such as scientific experiment workshops promoted by the researchers themselves, conferences, open days, debates, support programmes for research conducted by secondary school students, an annual fair that shows citizens some of the main research lines that are currently underway and the participation in several European science dissemination projects that aim to offer online activities and new multimedia tools with educational purposes