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2nd Biotechnology and Enterprise Congress at the PCB

By 18 de October de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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2nd Biotechnology and Enterprise Congress at the PCB

The Barcelona Science Park hosted the 2nd edition of the Biotechnology and Enterprise Congress (ByE2), which was hold at the Antoni Caparrós Hall on October 21 and 22. This Congress was organized by the Association of Biotechnologists of Catalonia (ASBTEC) –an entity that draws and represents professionals and students of the Catalan biotech field- with the collaboration of Biocat and FEBiotec.

The main objective of the event is to dynamize the biotech sector through dialogue and synergies between the academic and industrials settings as well as to promote their interactions by means of presentations and round tables.

In order to achieve this objective, different organizations will participate in the congress (companies, universities, international organizations, etc.), which will encompass different aspects of biotechnology such as the cross-sectional skills of professionals, the use of information technologies, bioentrepreneurship, business development and innovative collaboration formats between companies, universities and research centers. Companies that will be participating in this congress include Pharmamar, Advancell and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation and Oryzon, companies affiliated with the Barcelona Science Park.

ByE2 attracts a very varied public, between the ages of 20 and 45 years, who come from different parts of Spain, and who work in the business, university or research fields. The synergy between attendees and speakers will result in opportunities for knowledge transfer, as well as for training on the skills needed in the academic and business world of biotechnology.

For more information