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Enantia wins the Senén Vilaró Award to the best innovative company

By 17 de November de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Enantia wins the Senén Vilaró Award to the best innovative company

Enantia, based at the PCB-Santander Bioincubator of the Barcelona Science Park, has won the 4th edition of the Senén Vilaró Award to the best innovative company. This award is granted every year by the Social Council of the University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation. The award ceremony took place on 1st December at 19:00 hours in the Aula Magna great hall of the UB.

Enantia was founded in 2003 as a spin-off from a research group of the University of Barcelona devoted to enantioselective synthesis and asymmetric catalysis. Since then the company has developed its activity in the field of general organic synthesis with a focus on asymmetric synthesis and crystal engineering. Due to the ample industrial experience brought by one of the founders of the company, since the very beginning Enantia has been seen by our clients as the partner of choice to translate creative chemistry into robust processes running at industrial scale. Today, with 40+ employees, Enantia has become a reference provider for pharmaceutical, fine chemical and biotech companies that seek not only scientific & technical excellence but also a simple and candid way to do business.

The objective of the Senén Vilaró Award –endowed with 100,000 Euros– is to recognize the innovative capacity developed by a graduate or company linked to the UB Group. It is one of the two Awards created by the Social Council of the UB and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation –located at the Barcelona Science Park- in 2008 with the objective of promoting the return of knowledge acquired over the course of the studies and research to society, assessing the importance of technology, knowledge and innovation transfer projects, promoting the creation of knowledge-based innovative companies, recognizing the innovative capacity generated and fostering entrepreneurial culture in the university setting.