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Representatives from the Pimec-Sefes Association and the RACC visit the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB)

By 22 de September de 2004November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Representatives from the Pimec-Sefes Association and the RACC visit the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB)

On 28 September, representatives from the Pimec-Sefes Association, including its president, Josep González, and director, Josep Mateu, and the first vice-president of the RACC, Enric Cucurella, were accompanied by the rector of the UB, Joan Tugores, and the director of the PCB, Màrius Rubiralta, on a tour of the PCB facilities. This visit forms part of a programme of scheduled visits by Catalan entities and enterprises. Of these, we highlight the visit on 22 September made by a delegation from the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and Foment de Treball Nacional, which included their presidents Miquel Valls and Joan Rossell, respectively.

These visits aim to promote the PCB, whose 27,000 m2 are now occupied by research groups from the UB, ICREA and CSIC, 25 companies and extensive technological services.