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The Barcelona Science Park has made an investment to improve the quality and safety of the power supply at the Cluster I building

By 7 de February de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park has made an investment to improve the quality and safety of the power supply at the Cluster I building

Last December, the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) made an investment to connect the power supply of the Clúster I building with the new power supply line at the Cluster II building. In addition, a second line has also been contracted to cover posible emergency situations, such as eventual power outages of the main line.

Thanks to these actions- and after having passed the first month of tests without any incidences– a significant improvement in the quality and safety of the electrical supply has been achieved at the laboratories located in the Cluster I building , thereby reducing the negative impact that power failures can have on certain pieces of laboratory equipment. These actions will also permit in a near future to meet foreseeable increased consumption that will occur as the new laboratory space of the new Cluster II building become occupied and running.