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Discovered a new regulatory mechanism of c-Src, the human protein bound to the oldest known oncogene

By 19 de February de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Unique domain is involved in secondary lipid interactions. Source: UB

Discovered a new regulatory mechanism of c-Src, the human protein bound to the oldest known oncogene

The c-Src protein is the cellular form associated to the first oncogene (a mutant protein which turns healthy cells into carcinogenic ones) discovered in the Rous sarcoma virus more than one hundred years ago and which has been extensively studied since the 1980s. The oncogenic character of c-Src results mainly from incorrect regulation of this protein. A research, led by UB professor Miquel Pons that has been just published on Scientific Reports, has discovered a new regulation region of this protein that, when modified, can affect the survival of the

NMR techniques, essential for this research. were carried out in the Singular Scientific and Technological Facility of the University of Barcelona, located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). Margarida Gairí, from the Scientific and Technological Centers of the UB, and some researchers from the IRB also participated in the study. All participating groups are affiliated with the Barcelona Knowledge Campus, a campus of international excellence.

According to Miquel Pons, leader of the Biomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Research Group, affiliated with the Department of Organic Chemistry of the UB, “the discovery of a new regulatory mechanism in such a relevant and extensively studied protein proves the importance of original approaches based on molecular structure to find new biological activities and suggest new strategies in the fight against cancer”.