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Montserrat Vendrell appointed new director general of the Parc Científic de Barcelona

By 10 de April de 2014November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Montserrat Vendrell. Photo: © Biocat

Montserrat Vendrell appointed new director general of the Parc Científic de Barcelona

Today, the Foundation Board of the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) –a proposal from the Rector of the University of Barcelona, Dídac Ramirez– has approved appointing Montserrat Vendrell as director general of the PCB, a responsibility that Ms Vendrell will undertake along with her duties as head of Biocat</a, the organization that promotes and fosters the biotech sector in Catalonia.

Montserrat Vendrell joined the Parc Científic de Barcelona – the first science park in Spain- during the park´s first stage of development when she held the positions of Scientific Director (1997-2005) and Deputy Director general (2005-2007). Throughout her professional career at the PCB, Ms Vendrell was responsable for project management and implementation and her tasks ranged from strategic planning, implementation of science and technology services, and the design and management of the biocubator. She was also in charge of the park´s international relations, particularly in relation to biotechnology and biomedicine networks.

Montserrat Vendrell will undertake a dual role as general manager of PCB and CEO of the Biocat, the cluster organisation that promotes biotechnology and biomedicine in Catalonia, a position she has held since 2007. “The Park is a tool to promote innovation in the field of life sciences and, therefore, its mission and strategy are fully in line with the objectives of Biocat, which are the promotion and growth of this sector in Catalonia” said Montserrat Vendrell. “A single management body will allow the undertaking of large scale economies and will ensure the incorporation of the PCB in the overall development strategy of the BioRegion of Catalonia. Both these projects are plural endeavours, the success of which strives in bringing our goals and objectives together and to create synergies among the different stakeholders.”

The appointment of Montserrat Vendrell coincides with the beginning of the works on the new premises of Biocat at the PCB, where Biocat plans to relocate during the second half of this year. The relocation of Biocat was dediced months ago by an agreement between Biocat and the PCB, and it will bring them mutual benefit through synergies at the vibrant scientific and entrepreneurial environment that the PCB provides.

Montserrat Vendrell (Barcelona, 1964) holds a PhD in Biology by the University of Barcelona (1991), a masters degree in Science Communication by the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, 1997) and an Executive Degree in General Management by IESE Business School (PDG-2007). After a period of over 10 year´s experience in biomedical research as a postdoctoral researcher at the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology (Hoffmann LaRoche, New Jersey, US, 1992-1995 ) and at the Molecular biology Institute of Barcelona under the CSIC (Spanish Research Council, 1987-1991; 1995-1997), she joined the Barcelona Science Park (1997-2007).

In 2004, Vendrell fostered the creation of a working group involving different regional stakeholders from the bioscience sector, the Generalitat de Catalunya, and the Barcelona City Hall, which developed the strategic plan of the future biocluster organisation in Catalonia, Biocat, which was funded in 2006. Since April 2007, she is CEO of this organisation that coordinates and promotes the BioRegion de Catalunya- the cluster of biotechnology, biomedicine, and innovative medical tecnologies in Catalonia, that presently comprises 512 companies, 56 research centers, 17 university hospitals, 16 science and technology parks and 11 universities, as well as two large research infrastructure facilities and several platforms networks that suport the transfer of knowledge and innovation.

Since March 2012, Vendrell is also Chair of the Council of European Bioregions (CEBR), the first European network of bioregions, created in 2006, and composed of about one hundred members, including Biocat.

The Dean thanked Salvador Maluquer for his work as director general of the Parc Científic de Barcelona during his term from 19 March 2012 until 14 January 2014.