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Sabater Pi receives the Narcís Monturiol Prize

By 30 de May de 2005November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Sabater Pi receives the Narcís Monturiol Prize

The ethologist Jordi Sabater Pi, emeritus professor at the UB and director of the , located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park), will be awarded the Narcís Monturiol Prize by the Generalitat de Catalunya today, Tuesday 31 May. This award has been granted for his contribution to the scientific and technological progress of Catalonia. The presentation ceremony will take place at the Palau de la Generalitat de Catalunya and will be presided by the deputy prime-minister Josep Bargalló

The award is in recognition of Sabater Pi’s scientific work in Central Africa on primate behaviour, for the discovery of the goliath frog, the largest amphibians in the world, and for his studies on the social behaviour of chimpanzees. He is also honoured for his work on the behaviour of the honey guide and for his ethnographic research on several tribes in Central Africa (fang).

In addition, the following UB researchers have also been awarded this prize: senior professor of chemical engineering, José Costa; senior professor of Catalan philology, Eulàlia Duran; lecturer with the Dept. of Applied Physics and Optics and director of the Euroregional Photovoltaic Systems Group (GESP), Antoni Lloret; senior professor of organic chemistry and director of the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, Miquel Àngel Pericàs; senior professor of economic policy, Jacint Ros; and emeritus professor of psychology Miquel Siguan. The Narcís Monturiol Plate, which is awarded to institutions, will be presented to the the University Institute of Ancient Middle Eastern Studies (IPOA), directed by Gregorio del Olmo, senior professor of Semitic studies at the UB.