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International Congress on eating habits and quality of life in the elderly population

By 29 de November de 2005November 18th, 2020No Comments
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International Congress on eating habits and quality of life in the elderly population

The of the UB, located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park), will organize an international congress entitled . This congress will be held on 1 and 2 December at the Cosmocaixa, Barcelona (Teodor Roviralta, 47-51). Several sessions will include results from the European project . From a multidisciplinary perspective, this project has analysed the relation between meals, nutritional well-being, health, and quality of life in those over 65 years in eight European countries.

The congress will be opened with presentations by Ricard Gomà, Barcelona City Council’s Councillor for Social Welfare, Margaret Lumbers, lecturer at the University of Surrey and coordinator of the Food in Later Life project, and Rosa Gras, deputy director of the Dept. for the Elderly Community of the Fundació La Caixa . These opening sessions will be followed by a conference on ” Food, life and person”, given by Mª Àngels Treserras, an expert in neurology.

The congress programme includes four thematic sessions devoted to perceptions and use of functional food by the elderly in Spain and in Europe; problems of food supply and planning and preparation of meals; the role of social services and informal distribution networks, the preparation and consumption of food; and the role of meals in the elderly community and their relation with quality of life. In addition, all these sessions will include a diagnosis of these issues for Spain, a comparison with Europe, and experiences and responses of the industrial sector and public administration, together with an evaluation by scientists and academics.

Finally, a round table giving a prospective view of food habits in the elderly community will be held. This will be chaired by the sociologist and president of the Institute of Catalan Studies, Salvador Giner, and will include the participation of the demographist Anna Cabré, the physician Màrius Foz, the president of the Consumer and User Confederation, Maria Rodríguez, and the technologist and secretary of the Fundació Triptolemos, Ramon Clotet

The Food in Later Life project, which has involved the participation of the Food Studies Observatory, examines the relation between eating habits, nutritional state, health, and quality of life in the elderly population of the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain. The data collected, compared between age groups ranging from 65 to 74 and 75 and over, contribute to our understanding of food supply and specific requirements in this community.