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The Parc Científic de Barcelona receives the BMW Initiative Award

By 3 de February de 2006No Comments
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The Parc Científic de Barcelona receives the BMW Initiative Award

The Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) has been awarded the second edition of the BMW Initiative Award. This prize recognizes the PCB for its role "as a pioneering reference instrument in knowledge and technology transfer to society, for promoting new associational links between the public and private sectors and for facilitating the development of new technology-based enterprises".

The director of the PCB, Fernando Albericio, received the award yesterday in an act held in the Sala Oval of the National Art Museum of Catalonia. The presentation, chaired by the Mayor of Barcelona, Joan Clos, was attended by representatives from the business sector and from institutions that have participated in the selection of candidates for the award, in addition to wide representation of Barcelona society.

The jury for the BMW Initiative Award has distinguished the PCB for its promotion of innovation in the business sector, entrepreneurial culture and the development of university spin-offs. The prize money of 30,000 € will be devoted to a project with social impact.

The BMW Initiative Award is part of a programme of social and cultural activities related to innovation that the automobile company started in November 2004. This programme aims to promote multidisciplinary projects focusing on innovation and creativity and shared with Catalonia in general and with the city of Barcelona, in particularly.

The jury comprised representatives from the Barcelona City Council, Foment de les Arts Decoratives, Foment del Treball, BMW, and the Barcelona Art Association, last year’s winner. The members of the jury considered that the objectives of the PCB reflect the sprit of this award.

The BMW Initiative Prizes also gave special mention to the collaboration between Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) and BP for the project Barcelona Hydrogen, the first hydrogen production station in Europe that uses photovoltaic energy. The station, located on TMB premises in the Zona Franca, supplies fuel to the hydrogen-driven fleet of buses operating in the city.

The finalists in this year’s edition were: Vueling Airlines; the architect’s office EMBT & Asociados, for the remodelling the Santa Catarina Market; the product and service enterprise NODE Partners; the Fundació Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona; the Grup Intercom; SUMASA; PortlC Barcelona; Santa & Cole; Identifica; Cricursa; Doctor Baselga; and CLAVAS.