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Energetic resources and the current social and economic model addressed in the conference ” Energy without limits?”

By 19 de May de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Energetic resources and the current social and economic model addressed in the conference ” Energy without limits?”

Where will the use and abuse of energetic resources lead us? What will be the effect of this on society and the environment? These issues will be addressed on 23 May in the conference "Energy without limits?" , organized by the Innovation Centre of the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation of the UB, together with the Environmental Forum and the Social and Economic Study Centre. The conference will be held in the "Antoni Caparrós" Auditoirm at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) and will start at 9.15 h (c/Baldiri Reixac, 4-6).

The conferences seeks to hold a focussed debate on energy and analyse the current situation and discuss the viable alternatives available. For this purpose, the conference will involve the participation of several specialists who will address issues such as the effects of energy prices on the business development model in Spain, the challenges and opportunities for Spain in energetic policy and the limitation of distinct energy resources.

The conference, which will be opened by the vice-rector of Sceintific Policy at the UB, Isidre Ferrer, and the director general of Energy of the Government of Catalonia, Josep Isern, will also include contributions from Joan Ramon Morante, director of the Reference Centre in Advanced Materials for Energy (CeRMAE), and Juan Martínez, Unesco chair in Technology, Sustainable Development, Imbalances and Global Change, among others.