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Radioactive facility (IR-PCB) – New beta counter

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 12/04/2021  > 30/04/2021

Radioactive facility (IR-PCB) – New beta counter

As per the multi-year plan to upgrade the IR-PCB equipment, we’ve recently acquired and installed a new piece of scientific equipment for liquid scintillation counting of vial samples with beta-emitting radioisotopes in the Counter Room in the Cluster I Building (PBAB14).

It is a Tri-Carb 4910TR from the brand Perkin Elmer that can detect a wide range of radioactive beta isotopes (3H, 14C, 35S, 32P, 33P, etc.) with the 0-2,000 keV range and capacity for up to 408 20 mL vials or 720 7 mL vials ( It also has a colour laser printer, internet connection and USB port for managing results. Although it is a much more modern and advanced model, it is very similar to the previous one in the software it uses and how it works, so no special training is needed.

This device is available to all IR-PCB users authorised on a self-service basis. For more information, contact the IR-PCB staff by email at