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Coronavirus: follow general rules and be extra cautious during meals and breaks

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 12/07/2021  > 31/08/2021

Coronavirus: follow general rules and be extra cautious during meals and breaks

The predominance of the new variant of the coronavirus, along with the easing of general restrictions since Midsummer, has led to a sharp increase in the number of cases, above all among people under 50 but impacting the workplace, economy and healthcare system in a way that affects society as a whole. The new measures the government announced Tuesday focus mainly on stopping the spread of the virus in social activities, gatherings and large indoor or outdoor events.

The new measures don’t affect the current rules for workplaces, but we would like to remind all of you that we can’t let our guard down. We must all follow the rules set for the PCB since the beginning of the pandemic:

– Always practice social distancing.

– Wear a mask.

– Clean your individual workplace with ethyl alcohol.

– Respect the maximum occupancy in shared work rooms and meeting rooms.

– Use the stairs whenever possible. If you need to use the lift, respect the maximum occupancy (1 person for small lifts and up to two, with masks, in larger ones).


Please be extra cautious during breaks and meals:

– Small groups (2-3 people).

– Don’t move tables, they are set up for social distancing.

– Clean tables and chairs with ethyl alcohol after use.

– Wear a mask whenever you aren’t eating.

– In vending and break areas, keep a safe distance and don’t form crowds.

– Always practice social distancing when smoking or taking a break.

– Even outside, avoid group meet-ups or catered events that would mean people are talking without a mask.