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Antoni Esteve is the new President of Farmaindustria

By 29 de October de 2014November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The new board of directors and governing council was constituted at the Assembly chaired by Ana Mato. Photo: Farmaindustria

Antoni Esteve is the new President of Farmaindustria

Farmaindustria's general Assembly gathered today in Madrid to hold an extraordinary session in which they appointed Antoni Esteve as the new President of the Association for the next two years. Esteve takes over from Elvira Sanz in this position, in accordance with the rules laid down in Farmaindustria Statutes which establish the rotation between companies of Spanish origin and foreigner Co's for Presidency; in this occasion, the former. At the extraordinary Assembly held in Madrid –opened by the Spanish Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana Mato– the new board and the governing council of the institution were also established. The headquarters of the Center for the Discovery of New Drugs from Esteve have been located at the Parc Cientific de Barcelona since September 2012.

During the Assembly, the current situation of the pharmaceutical industry in Spain was analyzed and it was mentioned that such an intensive R&D sector -as is the pharmaceutical sector- that exports and creates great economical value should never grow below the values of the country as a whole.

In this context, Antonio Esteve, who also chairs the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI) – has set as one of the priority objectives to offer innovative quality drugs to the public health service and to make these drugs accessible to the citizens of all autonomic regions when they need it. For this reason, according to the new president of the patronage, one of the current challenges of the pharmaceutical industry in the coming years is “the search for new funding formulas and policies to ensure the sustainability of health systems so that they are compatible with the incorporation of the most advanced state of the art therapies.” To achieve this goal, Farmaindustria is requesting the establishment of a stable, predictable and regulatory framework.

Among other future priorities, Esteve also referred to the importance of further defending a level playing field between brand name drugs and generic drugs, in order to end the current discrimination established by the current legislation, including equality in price.

Finally, the new president of Farmaindustria praised the work carried out by his predecessor, Elvira Sanz, as the leader of the patronage: “It’s been a rough and complicated couple years but we have overcome them successfully and brilliantly.” In her turn, Sanz gave a review of her term as chairperson, marked by the Protocol signed with the Ministry of Health, highlighting that it has allowed a more fluid dialogue between both parties. Hence, the importance of maintaining this climate of good understanding with the Administration in the future was also highlighted, which is based on a constructive and responsible attitude and on solid and grounded approaches.

More information is available on Farmaindustria website [+]