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Around a thousand students participate in the “Cuestión de ciencia” scientific monologues

By 17 de October de 2019No Comments
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Maria Terrades, CEO of the Barcelona Science Park, with scientists from Big Van Ciencia (Photo: Barcelona Science Park).

Around a thousand students participate in the “Cuestión de ciencia” scientific monologues

Around a thousand secondary-school students from 30 Catalan schools enjoyed the scientific monologue sessions held at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) this week as part of the “Cuestión de ciencia" initiative, with which Bayer, in partnership with Big Van Ciencia and Barcelona Science Park, aim to make science accessible to young people, and to inspire them regarding their future.


Barcelona Science Park (PCB) was the last stop on the “Cuestión de ciencia: ¿té atreves a desafiar el futuro? (“Question of Science: Do You Dare to Challenge the Future?”) scientific monologue tour, an initiative through which Bayer, in partnership with Big Van Ciencia and PCB, hope to inspire future scientific vocations among young people through creative play and humour.

From Monday to Thursday around a thousand secondary-school students (aged between 14 and 18) from 30 Catalan schools were able to enjoy the monologues from Big Van Ciencia, an authentic theatrical show full of science and wit, to popularise research in a fun and entertaining way, and to awaken scientific vocations.

After Cuestión de Ciencia’s visits to Seville, Alcalá de Henares, Guadalajara and Barcelona, the youth will take centre stage to give their own monologues. Young people from other parts of Spain wishing to participate will also be able to do so by having their schools submit a “free” application. Issues such as how to feed a growing population, or how to contribute to the health of a population with a higher life expectancy are just some of the global health and nutrition challenges to which students will have to respond. Those selected will reach the final gala, to be held in Barcelona.

“We live in an increasingly demanding setting, with significant challenges in the fields of health and nutrition. The aging population and continuous population growth are forcing us to reflect on how, through science, we can help to provide answers to the needs posed by these challenges. Here at Bayer, we are convinced that the new generations have a great deal to say regarding the future. So we want to count on them to jointly construct the response and to encourage critical thinking and interest in science among younger people,” affirmed Laura Diéguez, director of Communications and Corporate Public Affairs for Bayer in Spain and Portugal.

In the words of María Terrades, CEO of the Barcelona Science Park, “this partnership enables us to reach more young people to encourage scientific vocations in a new, entertaining and striking way. We want to help train researchers who will one day provide solutions to the challenges posed by the life sciences sector”.

In turn, Helena González, director of Educational Content at Big Van Ciencia, explained that “we are attempting to debunk the notion of science being boring. To do so, we seek to connect with students, not only through humour, with our monologues, but also through the values associated with science, which is essential to respond to the social challenges it faces.”

20,000 euros for the best monologues

Bayer has endowed this initiative with 20,000 euros in prizes, which will be used to improve the scientific facilities at the winners’ schools. In addition to awards, there will also be individual prizes for the young people participating in the final gala.

The jury will select three monologues from each of the centres visited, and a further three from those submitted freely. The 12 finalists will each receive 1,000 euros for scientific material for their schools and, additionally, the three winners will be awarded 3,000 euros (1st prize), 2,500 euros (2nd prize) and 1,500 euros (3rd prize), respectively.

►The “Cuestión de ciencia” initiative can also be followed via social networks with the hashtag #CuestiónDeCiencia. You can find more information in the Bayer blog and on the Big Van Ciencia website.
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