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Barcelona will host BIO-Europe Spring 2010

By 4 de March de 2010No Comments
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Barcelona will host BIO-Europe Spring 2010

On March 8-10 Barcelona will host BIO-Europe Spring 2010, and international congress of biotechnological partnering organized by the company EBM Group and the Bioregion of Catalonia (Biocat), who also coordinate the local hosting Committee. Several different organizations are participating in this committee, including the Generalitat de Catalonia, ACC1Ó, the Barcelona City Council, ASEBIO, the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, Genoma Spain and Invest in Spain, amongst others. The event also has the support of companies with headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park, such as Esteve, Almirall, Oryzon and the capital risk company Ysios Capitals Parners, as well as that of other organizations.

The aim of BIO-EuropeSpring 2010 is to serve as a platform for companies and organizations who participate to contact potential partners and investors, seal collaboration agreements, boost markets and promote the biotech sector of their corresponding areas of origin. It is forecasted that 1,400 companies from 50 different countries will take part in this event.

Some of the organizations that will be present in this congress are Catalonia Bio, the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, Advancell, Enantia, Era Biotec, Pharma Mar and Microart –with offices at the PCB- and several of the companies that are part of the PCB-Santander Bioincubator, such as Intelligent Pharma, Omnia Molecular and Janus Development.

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