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Braingaze, a spin-off’ of the UB and ICREA, is founded

By 17 de September de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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From left to right, M. Carme Verdaguer, managing director of FBG, Jaume Bertranpetit, director of ICREA, and entrepreneurs.

Braingaze, a spin-off’ of the UB and ICREA, is founded

On 10 September the company Braingaze S.L. was founded. It is a spin-off of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), created to develop a new eye tracking software. The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG), located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona, has provided the project Braingaze with consultancy in order to define its business plan, to design its patent strategy, and to negotiate its technology transfer contract.

During the past years, eye tracking has interested many business sectors and it has been translated into a great number of applications. Currently, there are several devices which enable eye tracking, but they are not able to identify the stimuli which attract people’s attention. Braingaze offers a novel biomarker of attention; the method is non-invasive, fast and can be integrated in existing eye tracking devices and software.

The software has several applications: it can be used to diagnose attention and perception disorders as well as to evaluate consumers’ preference and responses to advertisements. It provides tools to measure people’s attention by identifying the stimuli which catch their attention. It knows when a person is consciously receiving and processing the information that he or she receives in a visual way, and when he or she is only seeing without processing it.

The entrepreneurial group of the new spin-off of the UB is composed by Hans Super, ICREA professor from the Department of Basic Psychology and head of the research group Vision and Control of Action (VISCA), and Laszlo Bax, co-founder of Bax & Willenms Consulting Venturing.

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation focuses on promoting and managing the transfer of the knowledge and technology generated at the University of Barcelona.