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«Col·laborem?», particularities about working for firms and institutions from the university

By 13 de April de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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«Col·laborem?», particularities about working for firms and institutions from the university

Next May 8 will take place the fourth edition of the conference «Col·laborem?», organized by the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation. The purpose of this conference is to inform researchers the particularities about working for firms and institutions from the university and the support provided by the FBG.

The purpose of the FBG is to contribute that the transfer of knowledge, technology and innovation between the University and Companies arrives to the society. Research per contract area of the FBG is the meeting point between the technology university offer and the firms. The supports given by this area to researchers will be described in the conference, through case studies.