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Conferences on gender equality in Maths education to be held at the PCB

By 24 de January de 2007November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Conferences on gender equality in Maths education to be held at the PCB

Researchers, teachers and civil servants from 17 countries will meet on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 February in the "Antoni Caparrós" Auditorium at the Parc Científic de Barcelona to participate in several international conferences on gender equality in maths education. The meeting, called " International PREMA workshop: Gender sensitivity and pluralism in mathematics education", is the result of the European Project (Promoting Equality in Maths Achievement) which, as part of the EU Socrates Programme, seeks to pinpoint the factors that can reduced gender differences in his field.

During the meeting, the members of the consortium that has participated in the PREMA project, which has involved several academic institutions from 6 European countries, among these the Universitat de Barcelona (UB , University of Barcelona), will present the results of the research performed during the last year and a half.

Participants will give presentations on the current situation regarding gender differences and their impact on achievement in maths and in the choice of degrees in the European education system; the reasons for the differences between boys and girls; the legal framework that covers maths students and teachers in European countries, both at primary school, school and university. Furthermore, examples of creative educational techniques that are sensitive to gender differences will be presented. These techniques aim to help teachers achieve gender equality in maths an science education.

According to the organizers, “the inequality between men and women in maths goes beyond issues of equality and social integration, and is considered a strategic issue between large areas of world influence”. In addition, “fulfilment of the European objectives established in Lisbon in March 2000 depends on our capacity to effectively use all our human resources and to correct the under-representation of women in key fields of activity in economics, science and engineering”.

Organized in collaboration with the Dept. of Teaching and Educational Organization of the UB and the e-Society Research Centre, these conferences will be opened by the deputy director for Language and Social Cohesion of the Generalitat de Catalunya(Government of Catalonia), Josep Vallcorba, and will be open to the general public.