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El Parc Científic de Barcelona transfers the Nanotechnology Platform to the IBEC

By 1 de February de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Image: Nanotecnology Platform. © PCB

El Parc Científic de Barcelona transfers the Nanotechnology Platform to the IBEC

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has transferred the Nanotechnology Platform to the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) through an agreement that the heads of both institutions have reached today, February 1.

The transfer of this platform is part of the Strategic Plan of both the IBEC and the PCB. With this transfer, the IBEC aims to create new scientific and technical facilities specializing in nanofabrication and bionanocharacterization.

Among other equipment and services, the new IBEC facilities will add the 150 sq meters of the Nanotechnology Platform, which includes a clean room, micro and nanotechnologies and last generation tools for fabrication and characterization to carry out innovative and advanced research in many different fields.

With regard to the PCB, this operation contributes to rationalize its services and to embrace them gradually as part of a joint offer together with the other centers that are based at the PCB. Dr. Isabel Oliveira, Head Infrastructures at the IBEC, will be responsible for managing the Nanotechnology Platform, and Raul Perez, Judith Linacero and Marina Cazorla will be joining IBEC´s staff as technicians.

“At the IBEC, we believe that this type of facilities are key to providing support to the continuation and development of our research areas”, stated the director of the IBEC, Josep A. Planell. “The new facilities will also foster the cooperation and exchange of knowledge between IBEC´s researchers and researchers from other institutions”.