

IBEC Master Programme for 2021

Parc Científic de Barcelona Carrer Baldiri Reixac, 10, Barcelona

IBEC has launched its Master Programme to encourage students to begin a research career in our multidisciplinary research institute. The fellows will carry out research in one of IBEC’s research groups in...

Portes Obertes IRB Barcelona

Edifici Cluster II, Sala Dolors Aleu Avinguda Dr. Marañón 6-8, Barcelona

Visites presencials - INSCRIPCIONS OBERTES!:   Dimarts 08/06: 10:30h Dimecres 09/06: 17:30h Divendres 11/06: 17:30h Dissabte 12/06: 10:30h Dissabte 12/06: 12:00h