
Online IBEC Seminar: Paul Verschure.

The volitional brain in action: counterfactual error and the virtualization of memory Volitional motor control can be seen as the result of a gradual replacement of feedback by feedforward control....

Online IBEC Seminar: Jordi Alcaraz

Improving lung cancer management by reengineering tumor-associated fibroblasts Jordi Alcaraz, UB facultat de Medicina & IBEC Associated Researcher Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death due in part...

Casals Científics de Setmana Santa

El Parc Científic i Funbrain organitzen casals científics per a nens i nenes durant la Setmana Santa. El casal “La Ciència és Innovació” s’adreça a nens i nenes de P5...

Online IBEC Seminar: Núria Montserrat

Study on the of the interplay between glucose metabolism and SARS-CoV-2 infection exploiting human kidney organoids Severe acute respiratory syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection leads to a high risk of hospitalization...