
IBEC Seminar: Rob Jelier

Edifici Torres R+D+I, Torre I Planta 11 C/ Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya

The effect of gene loss on adaptation | 3D cell shape analysis in embryos Rob Jelier, CMPG – Predictive Genetics and Multicellular Systems University of Leuven In this talk I will...

PhD Thesis Defence: Sara Gregorio – Cancer Science Programme

Edifici Cluster I, Aula Fèlix Serratosa C/ Baldiri Reixac 10-12, Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya

Sara Gregorio - Growth Control and Cancer Metastasis Title: "Identifying molecular mechanisms that determine resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HER2-enriched advanced luminal breast cancer"

ENABLECARES – Entrepreneurship Course 2021

Edifici Cluster I, Aula Fèlix Serratosa C/ Baldiri Reixac 10-12, Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya

Training future leaders in health and life Science. Integration of entrepreneurship skills Entrepreneurship & innovation training course optimized for biomedical researchers is aligned with market demands and strategic policies. This...

ENABLECARES – Entrepreneurship Course 2021

Edifici Cluster I, Aula Fèlix Serratosa C/ Baldiri Reixac 10-12, Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya

Training future leaders in health and life Science. Integration of entrepreneurship skills Entrepreneurship & innovation training course optimized for biomedical researchers is aligned with market demands and strategic policies. This...