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FCRi launches the networking initiative ‘Cafè amb la Recerca’

By 19 de May de 2014November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Joan Guinovart, IRB, and Josep Samitier, IBEC, with the FCRI director Enric Claverol -right- (Photo: FCRI).

FCRi launches the networking initiative ‘Cafè amb la Recerca’

The Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (Acronym in Catalan FCRi) has launched a new networking initiative directed at Catalan research centres, companies, and investors called 'Cafè amb la Recerca',(Research over a coffee), which forms part of this organisation's Science – Business Programme. In the first session of this series –which was held at the Parc Científic de Barcelona– Joan J. Guinovart, director of the IRB Barcelona and Josep Samitier, director of the IBEC presented their research lines to eight managerial representatives from the business and investment sectors.

Envisaged as an informal setting in which to promote dialogue between research organisations and the business sector, the first event in the series hold yesterday convened the IRB Barcelona and the IBEC with the companies AXA, Reig-Jofre, Nature Bisse, Semillas Fitó, Damm, Lipotec, Lucta and AB Médica Grup to identify possible points of mutual interest between lines of research and the objectives of the companies attending the event with the aim to establish collaborative alliances.

The session was opened by Enric Claverol, director general of the FCRi. Joan J. Guinovart, director of IRB Barcelona and Josep Samitier, director of IBEC, have presented the current lines of research of the respective centres to managerial representatives from eight companies.

The “Cafè amb la Recerca” sessions last two hours, the first devoted to the presentation of the two invited centres and the second to discussion on interests shared with the companies involved. This foundation organises these meetings as part of its strategic goal to foster networking between science and the business sector.

The Science – Business Programme of the FCRi seeks to align the challenges faced by the business sector regarding innovation with the scientists, technologists and entrepreneurs most able to tackle them. The programme also aims to raise private funding for university research projects or centres that can serve the specific production needs of the industrial sector in Catalonia.

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