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Josep Lluís Falcó, founder and CEO of Genesis Biomed, the consulting firm in charge of the management of the fund. (Photo: Genesis Biomed).

Genesis Ventures Ventures has invested €325,000 in biomedical projects in 2018

Genesis Ventures, Ventures fund, managed by Genesis Biomed, –located at the Barcelona Science Park–  has invested a total of €325,000 in five start-ups, spin-offs and projects in the biomedical field during its first year of existence. During 2019, 10 new investments will be carried out to complete the first €1.2 million fund.


Genesis Ventures is a fund made up of family offices and proprietary capital which invests in research and entrepreneurial projects in the very early stages in the field of biomedicine.The goal is to help entrepreneurs to reach the value needed for their research so that they can later attract the first round of investment of corporate funds or venture capital (Series A). Falcó has worked in the sector for more than 20 years and has dedicated the last 7 years to consulting activities, where he has managed to raise more than €40 million for different projects. 

Josep Lluís Falcó, the founder and CEO of Genesis Biomed, explains: “We have shown our commitment to projects in early phases, providing our investment and know-how in order to add value to these projects. We dedicate most of our investment so that research teams and entrepreneurs can carry out the studies needed to generate new data and scientific results”.

The fund also helps prepare the team to set up the company, draft the business plan and earn the latter rounds of financing that they need. “We think this is the value that makes us stand out compared with other investment vehicles. We aim to become a point of reference in the field” remarks Falcó, who has worked in the sector for more than 20 years and has dedicated the last 7 years to consulting activities, where he has managed to raise more than €40 million for different projects.