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Samuel Sánchez. Photo: IBEC.

IBEC group leader Samuel Sánchez wins the Princess of Girona Foundation Scientific Research Award

IBEC group leader Samuel Sánchez is the winner of the Princess of Girona Foundation Scientific Research Award 2015 for his advances in in the field of nanotechnology. Samuel’s work was recognised in particular for his pioneering design of self-propelled nanorobots that could improve the accuracy of drug delivery, as well as having potential environmental applications.

This year is the sixth edition of he Princess of Girona Foundation Awards (FPdGi Awards), which are given by the Fundación Princesa de Girona and which recognise the innovative and exemplary careers of young people between the ages of 16 and 35.

The jury for the category of scientific research was made up of Rolf Tarrach, ex-rector of the University of Luxembourg; María Blasco, director of the CNIO; Romain Quidant, winner of the FPdGi Investigación Científica award in 2011; Jorge Wagensberg, Doctor of Physics and member of the Advisory Council of the FPdGi; and Emilio Lamo de Espinosa, professor of Sociology at the Complutense University. The jurors commented on the quality of the applications – of which there were 167 in total in all fields, and 42 for the scientific research prize – and the relevance of research being carried out by young scientists in the country.

Samuel’s career has been spent at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, the International Center for Young Scientists, the National Institute for Materials Science in Japan, the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research in Dresden and at the MPI for intelligence systems in Stuttgart, where he now has a joint appointment with IBEC.

The FPdGi Awards 2015 – which besides the scientifc resesearch prize comprise the Arts and Letters Award, the Entity Award, the Social Award and the Company Award – will be presented on June 25 at the Impulsa Forum 2015 in the presence of the king and queen.