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Antisocial use of toilets (spoiler: scatological warning)

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 26/01/2023  > 02/02/2023

Antisocial use of toilets (spoiler: scatological warning)

Antisocial use of the toilets have been recently detected, particularly those located in the Clúster I building on the ground floor. We will avoid going into details of the state of the toilets, but in a professional environment of shared spaces it is unacceptable to leave them in the state we have found them on several occasions. Even though there is a cleaning service in place, the use of these spaces and the state in which they are left must be reasonable.

We are aware that there is a lot of gastroenteritis going around at the moment, but in case of an accident, which can happen to anyone, it is essential to contact the cleaning staff if you are unable to leave the toilet in acceptable conditions. We will then be able to request additional cleaning of the space and we will prevent other users from encountering scenes from a horror film when they visit the toilets.

In the event of any accident, please contact or notify reception.