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Audit for the quality of the internal air in the buildings

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 22/11/2021  > 19/12/2021

Audit for the quality of the internal air in the buildings

Date: 13-16 de desembre
Buildings: Torre D, Clúster I, Torre R, Torre I, Connexions, Clúster II, Clúster Oficines i Hèlix

As every year, the PCB must do an audit for the quality of the air in their buildings.
This audit will take place the week of December 13:

  • Day 13: Torre D
  • Day 14: Clúster I
  • Day 15: Torre R, Torre I and Connexions
  • Day 16: Clúster II, Clúster Oficines and Hèlix.

As part of this audit, samples of the environment must be taken in some interior spaces.
To take these samples it is not necessary to stop the activity of the spaces.
The technicians will be accompanied by personnel from the maintenance department of the PCB.
We ask you to facilitate the access to your space to the technicians that will perform the audit.

For more information: