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Energy saving measures

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 21/09/2022  > 31/12/2022

Energy saving measures

The prices of electricity and natural gas have experienced major increases in recent months, in addition to being highly volatile. The price of electricity increased fourfold between the onset of the pandemic and September 2022, while the price of gas multiplied by six in the same period.

In response to this serious situation, the Spanish government published Royal Decree-Law 14/2022 of 1 August, on economic sustainability measures in the field of transport, in terms of grants and study aids, as well as energy saving and efficiency measures and measures to reduce energy dependence on natural gas, in the Official State Bulletin on 2 August.

Article 29, The emergency plan for energy savings and management in heating and air conditioning, lists a series of requirements that affect the environmental conditions of some heated and air-conditioned living spaces. The PCB is subject to these requirements in its office spaces, meeting rooms and other common areas (the cafeteria, restaurant and corridors). Laboratories and other spaces subject to special requirements, such as animal house facilities, storage areas, etc. are excluded.

The measures to be complied with are:
The air temperature in heated areas may not be higher than 19 °C
The air temperature in cooled areas may not be lower than 27 °C

To comply with the new regulation, in the first week of August the PCB changed the temperature levels for the centrally heated and air-conditioned spaces affected, and raised the water temperature levels orders for equipment producing cold water that feed individual fan-coil type units.

Furthermore, although these measures are not mandatory for laboratory areas, the temperature levels of the centrally controlled equipment were also raised slightly in these, in an attempt to make research and energy saving compatible.

In the areas for private use mentioned above, the organisation that occupies each area is responsible for monitoring and maintenance of the temperature. In offices that have individual units with remote controls or thermostats, the organisations concerned are responsible for adjusting the temperatures to comply with the requirements of the regulation, i.e., the minimum temperature of the spaces must at present be set at 27 °C.
Likewise, despite not being obliged to do so by the regulation, organisations with laboratory spaces that have individual units are requested to attempt to maintain this minimum temperature of 27 °C in order to reduce energy consumption as much as possible.
When using meeting or event rooms, the organisation using the room is responsible for monitoring and maintenance of the temperature.

This measure limiting the indoor temperatures reinforces the measures the PCB has already implemented in recent months to reduce energy use and costs.

Actions taken by the PCB:
–Temperature settings changed on general HVAC systems affecting comfort levels – Adjustment of the ventilation times of spaces while maintaining the air renewal requirements applicable in a pandemic
– Monitoring and continuous optimisation of the consumption of large water-cooling plants for air conditioning
– Reducing hours fan-coil units are operational in the offices in the Towers and Cluster Offices
– Reducing lighting and HVAC levels in corridors during periods of low activity
– Replacing lighting in the corridors with LED systems with smart management in the Cluster I building. The project is expected to be completed in 2 months, and will lead to savings in consumption of 260,000 kWh/year
– Changes in the management and optimisation of steam production, with estimated savings of 150,000 kWh/year

Recommendations for organisations:
– Optimised use and cleaning of -80ºC freezers and nitrogen tanks
– General review of procedures that impact energy use

Recommendations for users:
– Keep doors and windows closed, especially those in corridors
– Take advantage of sunlight
– When leaving the office or lab, switch off lights, HVAC, computers and any devices not needed overnight
– When leaving the laboratory, turn off devices, electrical equipment and the vacuum system whenever possible
– Use water responsibly and don’t leave taps running or dripping
– Close the main doors to the Park

At the PCB, our electricity rates have been affected by free market prices to a very limited extent in 2022, but this pleasant situation will come to an end at the end of the year.
We are working to arrange a supply at a long-term fixed price, but the price of the electricity supply for 2023 will increase sharply until we are able to do so.

For economic and environmental reasons, it is essential to reduce spending on energy as much as possible, and the cooperation of everyone involved is essential.
We are therefore asking the senior managers of the organisations located in the PCB to convey this need for active cooperation to reduce energy consumption to your teams.

At the PCB we will be sending messages and raising awareness on environmental issues as we always do, and we are asking the organisations to reinforce our messages on energy savings.