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Information on access to Next Generation EU Funds

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 01/09/2021  > 30/09/2021

Information on access to Next Generation EU Funds

As of Q2 2021, ministries, autonomous communities and some cities have begun to announce public tenders, subsidies and grants related to the Next Generation EU plan. This fund is made up of more than 750 billion euros that will be distributed among the different European Union member states.

For Catalan companies, projects that adapt to the Spanish Government’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, structured around 10 key levers, one of which is the Promotion of science and innovation and strengthening of the capabilities of the National Health System, will be able to benefit.

The Agency for Business Competitiveness ACCIÓ is holding various information sessions on the funds aimed at both companies in its 29 clusters and companies that are not part of them. You can check future sessions in its agenda. You will find more information on the funds and on the Next Generation Catalonia Plan, which is specifically aimed at Catalan companies, in this link, while in this other website you will find a list of all the calls by date of publication.

The Spanish Government has also launched the website Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan with official information on the Spanish strategy for channelling European funds. The website includes information on all calls, expressions of interest and official announcements, Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTEs) approved and pending approval, a search assistant for calls and advice for SMEs on how to participate in the grants, among others.