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The PCB Intranet will be disabled tomorrow, 12 January

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 20/12/2023  > 13/01/2024

The PCB Intranet will be disabled tomorrow, 12 January

Due to the implementation of the PCB’s new software management system (ERP), the PCB Intranet will not be accessible on January 12, 2024. This means that the services which are managed through the Intranet cannot be used. As a reminder of the most significant ones:

  • Room bookings: You will not be able to enter the application to book rooms or consult previously made bookings. Pre-booked rooms can be used.
  • Access to the forms to register PCB users.
  • Common Scientific Services (SCC) reservations: You will not be able to enter the application to reserve Common Scientific Services (SCC in its Catalan acronym) or consult previously made reservations. Previously reserved SCCs can be used.

In addition, you will not be able to consult the information linked to the different services offered by the PCB that is available on the Intranet.

It is recommended that you plan in advance any requirements to access the different services and make the corresponding requests before 12/01/24.  If you need to carry out any of the Intranet procedures, don’t hesitate to contact the department manager.