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Ireland’s Minister of Science and Innovation visits the Barcelona Science Park

By 16 de February de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Ireland’s Minister of Science and Innovation visits the Barcelona Science Park

A delegation of the Government of Ireland led by the current minister of Science, Technology, Innovation and Natural Resources, Connor Lenihan, has visited today the Barcelona Science Park under invitation by the Bioregion of Catalonia (Biocat) in order to gain deeper insight into this project and the activity that is being carried out in this autonomous community to boost the biotech sector and promote innovation, primarily in the life sciences sector.

The Irish delegation, which also included other members of the Irish government, such as the head of the minister’s cabinet, Patrick Rochford, and Brian Moore, of the Department of Enterprise, Commerce and Occupation, has been greeted by the President of Biocat, Manel Balcells, and the general director of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), Fernando Albericio, as well as by other important members of the management team of Biocat and the PCB. The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation of the University of Barcelona has also attended the event represented by Sara Secall, director of the Business Centre.

The Minister of Science and other members have visited the Helix Building of the Barcelona Science Park, which hosts the PCB-Santander Bioincubator, a project promoted by the PCB and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation with the support of the Santander Bank, which aims to promote the creation and development of new technology-based companies, thereby contributing to the long-term consolidation of a new entrepreneurial tissue in Catalonia that enables a knowledge-based economic model. At present it accommodates 17 recently created firms that are part of the second generation of companies that are participating in this project.

Over the course of this visit, the minister of Science of Ireland has been able to exchange impressions with the managers of some of the companies that comprise the Bioincubator, such as Marco Pugliese from Neurotec-Pharma, Josep Ma Borràs, from Infinitec Activos, and Luc Martí from Genmedica Therapeutics, who have explained the research projects in which they are focusing their current activity.