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Joan Massagué receives the Spanish Association Against Cancer’s “V de Vida” award

By 29 de September de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Joan Massagué receives the Spanish Association Against Cancer’s “V de Vida” award

Researcher Joan Massagué, adjunct director of IRB Barcelona, receives today the "V de Vida" award for science, given by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). Massagué will receive the prize from the Princess of Asturias Letizia Ortiz in a formal act in Zaragoza, during which he will deliver a lecture entitled "Myths and challenges in cancer research."

The “V de Vida” award recognizes Massagué’s discoveries in cancer metastasis. The AECC brings together patients, families, volunteers and professionals who work to prevent cancer, raise awareness of it, and comfort patients, and finances cancer research projects that aim to improve the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

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