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The event took place at the Dolors Aleu Hall at PCB bringing together more than 120 attendees (Photo: PCB).

PCB presentes the BATX2LAB awards to the best high school research projects

Yesterday the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) organized the awards ceremony of the best high school research works conducted under BATX2LAB, a project fostered as part of its 'Research in Society' programme. The event took place at the Dolors Aleu Hall at PCB bringing together more than 120 attendees.


The meeting was attended by Ignasi Belda CEO at the Barcelona Science Park; Lluís Farrés, director of Knowledge, Education and Research at the Catalonia-La Pedrera Foundation; Muriel Arimon, Public Engagement and Science Education officer at the Institute for Biomedical Research (IRB Barcelona) and Josep M. Fernández-Novell, professor at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona (UB), accompanied by participating students and tutors competing in this edition.

Over the course of the event, the attendees had the opportunity to enjoy the scientific monolog ‘Genetics and superheroes’ by the biologist Helena González member of the ’Big Van: científicos sobre ruedas‘ (Big Van: Scientist on Wheels), who made the night with his sense of humor and knowledge of science, by interaction with the audience.

BATX2LAB It is part of the “Research in Society” outreach and science dissemination program of the Barcelona Science park. The initiative offers eleventh graders the possibility of carrying out the practical part of their research in different laboratories at PCB and tutored by a researcher who supports and guides students throughout the development process. 

Theprogram concludes each year with the presentation of the awards to the winning best works which will also be present at a stand at the ‘Live Research Fair‘ promoted by PCB. This year the fair will be held at Cosmocaixa Barcelona from 3 to 6 May, where students will have the chance to explain all visitors the research projects they carried out.

The winners of  BATX2LAB 2016-2017 are:

• Mark Gutierrez, from La Salle Manlleu, for his work “El món bacterià: Estudi comparatiu entre l’acció dels antibiòtics i la dels tractaments naturals sobre els bacteris i de l’aparició de resistències”. Secondary school’s tutor: Josep Guardia. PCB’s tutor: Anna Crespo (IBEC).

• Elisa Lora, from the Institut Jaume Balmes, for her work “Buscant un pèptid que lligui”. Secondary school’s tutor: Manel Aula. PCB’s tutor: Salvador Guardiola (IRB Barcelona).

• Roger Gibert, from the Institut Ernest Lluch secondary school, for his work “Nano un univers minúscul”. Secondary school’s tutor: Carolina Martínez. PCB’s tutor: Jordi Diaz (CCiTUB).

Crazy About Biomedicine

At the same event, the award to best research work carried out under the ‘Crazy About Biomedicine‘ was also given. The winning student was Mar Fillat Faidella from the Institut Samuel Gili i Gaya for her work “Polarització neuronal: a les ordres dels microtúbuls. Estudiant les dinàmiques microtubul·lars durant la diferenciació axonal” (Secondary school’s tutor: Carme Morancho –  PCB’s tutor: Ricardo Viais, IRB Barcelona).

‘Crazy About Biomedicine’ is a year-long workshop in the life sciences for high-school students organized by IRB Barcelona within the series “Crazy About Science” of the Fundació Catalunya – La Pedrera. During last year, 24 students had the opportunity to delve into the theory and scientific techniques in biomedicine, working hand in hand with 12 doctoral researchers of various nationalities at IRB´s laboratory facilities.

 Photo galery (Flickr)