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Presentation of the book “Neanderthal Genes” by Carles Lalueza-Fox, awardee of the “I Esteban de Terreros Prize” from the FECYT

By 23 de November de 2005November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Presentation of the book “Neanderthal Genes” by Carles Lalueza-Fox, awardee of the “I Esteban de Terreros Prize” from the FECYT

On Thursday 24 November, at 16h, the Antoni Caparrós Auditorium at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) (c/ Baldiri Reixac, 4-6) will host the presentation of the book "Neanderthal Genes", written by Carles Lalueza-Fox, professor of the Dept. of Animal Biology at the UB and winner of the "I Esteban de Terreros Prize" from the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). Produced by the editorial company "Síntesis", the book focuses on the history of genetic studies of Neanderthals in the context of the evolutionary debate on their extinction and on phylogenetic relations with Homo sapiens.

In addition to the author, the presentation will be attended by the director of the FECYT, Joan X. Comella, the assistant to the Vice-rector’s Office for Research at the UB, Carme Muñoz, and the director of publications at “Síntesi”, Carolina Centeno. The book will be presented by the director of FECYT Programmes, José Manuel Báez.

In “Neanderthal Genes”, Carles Lalueza raises several key issues, such as the possible existence of language and symbolic thought processes in Neanderthals and the hypothetical cross-breeding with Homo sapiens, who reached Europe approximately 40,000 years ago. The book also reviews the remains of Neanderthals, from which genetic material has been obtained (open deposits etc.). Furthermore, the book includes genetic information obtained from the DNA remains of the first Iberian Neanderthal found in the Asturian cave “El Sidrón”.

An expert in studies on ancient DNA and paleogenetics, Carles Lalueza-Fox has written several books: “El color sota la pell”, Scientific Literature Prize 2002 from the Catalan Research Foundation; “Missatges del passat. Reconstruint la història de la genètica”, a runner up in 1998 for the European Award for Scientific Dissemination “Estudi General”, and also “Races, racisme i diversitat. La ciència, una arma contra el racisme”, which was awarded the VII European Prize for Scientific Dissemination 2001, given by the University of Valencia.

Provided with 10,000 euros, the Esteban de Terreros Award aims to promote the development and dissemination of work written in Spanish in the field of scientific and technological culture. The award is named after the author of the first dictionary of science and art in Spanish, which was written in the XVIII century, to who the FECYT pays tribute in recognition of his specialized lexicographical study and scientific translation, among other work.