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RecerCaixa funding for IBEC projects

By 30 de January de 2014November 18th, 2020No Comments
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RecerCaixa funding for IBEC projects

Two research projects from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) –based in the Parc Científic de Barcelona– have been awarded funding under the RecerCaixa programme: 'Desenvolupament de un sistema robòtic de baix cost d ajut a la rehabilitació de la marxa per a nens amb transtorns motors greus', led by Alícia Casals, and "Tendon Tissue Engineering: A Helping Hand for Rotator Cuff Tears'', led by Elisabeth Engel's, which will receive 77,000 and 65,000 respectively. RecerCaixa is a joint initiative by the Associació Catalana d'Universitats Públiques (ACUP) and Obra Social la Caixa.

The project ‘Desenvolupament de un sistema robòtic de baix cost d ajut a la rehabilitació de la marxa per a nens amb transtorns motors greus’, involving IBEC and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona, proposes the development and evaluation of a robotic system based on a standard treadmill that works in a similar way to the current complex robotic systems found in rehabilitation centers, but which can be adapted to patients of any size and needs, and used in the home.

The project ‘Tendon Tissue Engineering: A Helping Hand for Rotator Cuff Tears’ (BIOTENDON) aims to create a new biological scaffold composed of a nanofibrous polymeric scaffold with the appropriate biological signals and committed tendon cells, which will help surgeons repair rotator cuff tears in the tendons or muscles of the shoulder. These injuries are becoming an important burden on health systems due to the increasingly aging population and modern active lifestyles.

The chosen projects, which will be developed over the next two years, aim to respond to specific problems and challenges of today’s society. IBEC already has two other ongoing projects with funds from the scheme: InHands (Joan Aranda, Robotics group) and ‘Development of light-modulated ligands for remote, non-invasive regulation of neuropathic pain’ (Pau Gorostiza, Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group).

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