Iproteos, the first biotech to launch an equity crowdfunding campaign in Spain Blog Post

The Catalan biotech Iproteos –based in the Parc Cientific de Barcelona (PCB)– has launched an innovative funding campaign based on equity crowdfunding- through the Creoentuproyecto.com platform– which aims to raise 100,000 € to complete the non-regulatory preclinical stage of its compound IPR019. This compound is one of the 20 drugs in the world that are being developed to slow-down the progression of schizophrenia and revert the cognitive deficits of this condition. Iproteos is a spin-off created in 2011 by two Catalan leading scientists in the field of therapeutic peptides, Teresa Tarragó and Ernest Giralt, based on the transfer of a technology generated at Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the University of Barcelona (UB). In addition, the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) has given advice on the definition of the business plan and negotiated the technology.

UTOX receives the Certificate of Good Laboratory Practices which covers any kind of toxicological trial Blog Post

The at the Parc Cientific de Barcelona received the , which covers the conduct of in vitro and in vivo studies on severe and chronic toxicity, mutagenicity tests, and ecotoxicological studies on human and veterinary drugs, health and cosmetic devices. The certificate was conferred by the Directorate General for Health Planning and Regulation of the Department of Health of the Government of Catalonia, in compliance with . UTOX has been supported by the of the University of Barcelona.

The OBD presents a document to promote reponsible access to legal-bioethics data in networks Blog Post

The Observatory of Bioethics and Law ()–UNESCO Chair in Bioethics at University of Barcelona, based in the Parc Científic de Barcelona, has just released a document entitled «Document on reponsible access to legal-bioethics data in networks» as part of the research project «», funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and supported by the «Bioethics, Law and Society» Consolidated Research Group of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The OBD warns of the negative effects of the lack of update, contextualization, errors and omissions often incurred by the various stakeholders involved in bioethical debates, and their impact on public policy making and the transmission of information.

IBUB Symposium from whole body metabolism to cell dysfunction in diabetes Blog Post

On 29 November morning, in the Faculty of Biology takes place International Symposium ‘From whole body metabolism to cell dysfunction in diabetes’ –in collaboration with the Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB), located at the Barcelona Science Park–, on the occasion of the international conference of the European consortium BetaBat in Barcelona, and will feature presentations by scientific researchers in top international field research in diabetes.

One hundred twenty-five secondary teachers from across Europe participate in the 2nd course Xplore Health Blog Post

The 2nd course of Xplore Health entitled “Bringing biotechnology revolution into the classroom’, was held at the Open Lab at the Barcelona Science Park on 7, 14 and 21 November. The course was aimed secondary school teachers in Catalonia and was organized by the Public Engagement Unit of the PCB with the support of the and the collaboration of the , the of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European School Net (EUN). On this occasion, the program was offered in parallel at the Museum of La Coruña, and through the virtual community –coordinated by the EUN– which brings together 175,000 teachers and 95,000 European schools.

Researchers discover a new family of key mitochondrial proteins for the function and viability of the brain Blog Post

A team headed by Eduardo Soriano at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) –based in the Barcelona Science Park– has published a study in Nature Communications describing a new family of six genes whose function regulates the movement and position of mitochondria in neurons. Many neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s and various types of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, are caused by alterations of genes that control mitochondrial transport, a process that provides the energy required for cell function.

10 edició de la fira «Recerca en directe»TO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

Els propers dies 24, 25 i 26 d’abril tindrà lloc a La Pedrera la 10ª edició de la Fira «Recerca en directe». L’objectiu d’aquest esdeveniment –que organitza anualment el Parc Científic de Barcelona i la Fundació de CatalunyaCaixa– és mostrar diversos projectes que es duen a terme a centres i instituts de recerca de Barcelona, per apropar la ciència a tots els ciutadans i fomentar vocacions científiques entre els joves.

“Privacy and Confidentiality: the protection of health-related data”, theme of the IV Seminar of the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics at the UB Blog Post

On the 21st of January, the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) will host at the Antoni Caparros Conference Hall the IV International Seminar of the (UB) under the title “Privacy and Confidentiality: the protection of health-related data”. This year, the forum –which is held annually with the aim of promoting the ““of the UNESCO–will focus on fostering a culture sensitive to the protection of the confidentiality of computerized medical records as well as the necessary confidentiality of the doctor-patient relationship.

Discovering novel cellular roles of Aurora A Blog Post

A team headed by ICREA researcher Patrick Aloy at IRB Barcelona has developed, in collaboration with Center for Genomic RegulationRG, a computational strategy to identify new molecules regulated through phosphorylation by Aurora A. This work has been published in EMBO reports, a prestigious journal that forms part of the Nature Publishing Group ()

The report to amend the currently in force Law on Abortion coincides with the document proposed by the OBD Blog Post

The elaborated by the Committee of Experts to advise on the voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTOPI) released yesterday by the Ministry of Equality compiles most key aspects and terms of the proposal issued by the Opinion Group of the Bioethics and Law Observatory (), of the University of Barcelona, located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona, in April of last year in a document on VPI available at the OBD’s website.